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Staying classy through COVID-19


The family of Jim Wilkins launched the first annual Jim Wilkins “Stay Classy” Classic Memorial Golf Tournament in 2017, about a year after Jim died.

“Jim was just 33 years old, when he was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer,” says his mother Patricia. “He got the diagnosis when his wife Nicole was pregnant with twins.”

“He was treated at Mount Sinai and had excellent, state-of-the-art care,” says Patricia.

But despite everything that was done, Jim died when his boys were just 2 months old.

“He faced his illness with great courage and dignity,” says Jim’s father Mike. “To honour his life, his love of golf, and the innovative care he received, we hold this memorial golf tournament to bring something good from the pain.”

The first three events were tremendously successful, raising funds in support of Colorectal Cancer Research and the Palliative Care Program at Sinai Health.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everything, including large events, the difficult decision was made to defer the August 2020 tournament to Friday, August 27, 2021.

“We hope our supporters will be able to join us next year,” says Mike.

Friends of Jim and the Wilkins family who wish to donate in his memory can give through a special donation page here.

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