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Master Planning

We plan today to build the health-care infrastructure for tomorrow.

We are laying the groundwork for future infrastructure needs to provide life-changing care for people in our communities over the next 20 to 30 years.

We are currently in Stage 1 of the Government of Ontario's five-stage master planning capital process, which is required to gain support for physical expansion. The outcome of this process will be the next major capital project at Sinai Health. 

Dr. Gary Newton headshot
The last few years have highlighted the needs and opportunities for us to improve the way we provide care now and in the future. Master planning guides our redevelopment plans for enhanced patient and caregiver experiences in our physical environments.
Dr. Gary Newton, President and CEO, Sinai Health

Master planning process

Our master planning process is being conducted in partnership with our patients, care partners, our people and our communities in order to best meet their needs in the years to come. 

This means:

  • Consulting with our diverse community of patients, caregivers and families to understand their unique and evolving care needs
  • Designing our buildings to create an environment that promotes healing, well-being and belonging, and supports integrated, people-centred care
  • Incorporating the unique needs of our aging population by creating an age-friendly environment with the aim of delivering exceptional, high-quality care to older adults with complex health needs
  • Planning for future technologies that seamlessly integrate across our sites to advance patient safety, quality and excellence of care as well as workforce well-being
  • Considering space, infrastructure and new technology to encourage innovation, discovery and research, including research on best practices in patient care 

Capital planning process

The Ministry of Health’s capital planning process consists of three major stages, each with several sub-stages. Each stage builds on the information developed in the previous one, progressing from early planning through to detailed planning and, finally, to construction.

Government approvals are required at various stages, and community engagement is essential throughout the process. 

We are currently in Stage 1 | Early Planning.

The three stages

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The focus of the Early Planning stage is on identifying the need for capital investment and defining the project’s scope. This stage includes the development of a Pre-Capital Submission (1.1), which outlines program or service needs and provides a rationale for the investment. 

Sinai Health’s Master Plan provides the necessary information to create the Stage 1.1 Pre-Capital Submission and the Stage 1.2 Proposal Development. The Proposal Development phase involves creating a detailed business case that explores various options and their associated costs. 

Finally, the Functional Program is developed, defining the size and scope of the capital solution and ensuring alignment with strategic goals. This stage concludes with government approval to proceed with detailed planning.

Master Plan Road Map

Clinical service plan

The clinical services plan provides a clinical vision and service model that ensures efficient and effective use of our resources through innovative care models, integrated care delivery, and strategic growth.

Master program

The Master Program defines the service delivery model that best reflects the evolving needs of patients, the community, and the changing healthcare landscape. It analyzes existing and potential new programs and services, taking into consideration volume growth and associated space projections, as well as operational and planning efficiencies. This includes understanding community needs, future staffing, and integration with the larger health service ecosystem (i.e., peer hospitals, Ontario Health teams, etc.).

Facility development plan

The facility development plan outlines how Sinai Health will grow and develop its sites and building infrastructure to support future service delivery as outlined in the Master Program. It includes evaluating the condition and potential use of existing buildings and mechanical systems, as well as defining long-term development strategies for Sinai Health’s campuses and potential new acquisitions.

The Detailed Planning stage transforms the project from concept to actionable design. It begins with Block Schematics, where the physical layout of the functional program is realized in preliminary designs. 

The process then moves to the Sketch Plan phase, advancing the design and incorporating an integrated site plan. 

The final sub-stage, Contract Documents, involves preparing detailed tender documents for competitive procurement. During this stage, the project delivery model is confirmed, and a detailed cost estimate is established. Government approval is then required to move forward with construction.

The Construction stage marks the transition from planning to building. It starts with the Award of Contract, where the successful bidder is identified, followed by the actual Construction phase, during which progress is closely monitored, and any necessary change orders are managed. The final sub-stage, Settlement, involves reconciling actual costs against the estimated costs to ensure the project stays within budget. This stage concludes with the completion of construction, the commencement of hospital operations, and the final settlement of all financial matters.