Interpreter Services
Serving our diverse population
We are committed to serving our diverse patient population in a way that reflects the many cultures and languages that exist in our community.
We can arrange professional interpreters for more than 65 languages for patients who are more comfortable speaking a language other than English. We also offer interpretation for patients who are deaf and those who have hearing loss. There is no fee for these services.
If you use Interpreter Services at a medical appointment, your interpreter will protect your privacy and will only use your personal health information for the purposes to which you have agreed.
If you need Interpreter Services on short notice and an in-person interpreter is not immediately available, we may use telephone and/or video interpretation using the latest communications technology.
These enhanced technology services ensure patients can access interpreters in 180 languages and dialects, 24 hours a day, and seven days a week.
Communication aids
You or your caregiver can ask our staff for communication devices like teletypewriters (TTYs) or Pocket Talkers when booking your appointment or at any point during your stay. For other kinds of accommodations, visit our information on accessibility for more information.
How to access an interpreter
You or your caregiver can ask for an interpreter (including sign-language) when you book your appointment or up to 48 hours before your appointment.
You can also ask staff on your hospital unit for an interpreter during your stay.
Should you require further assistance, you may contact Interpreter Services.
Translation services
We can arrange to translate medical records or other health-care documents, like a physician's letter or a medical pamphlet, into your language at no cost to you.

Phone: 416-461-8252 ext. 2121
Email: [email protected]

Monday to Friday
7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Learn more about our Interpreter Services with this brochure in different languages.