Patient Symptoms Pre-Screening

Sinai Health has developed a symptom screening tool to help our patients checking-in for appointments or for admission.

You will be asked a series of questions to help your care team prepare for your visit. You will be able to print screen on a mobile device or tablet, or bring the results of your pre-screening via email with you to show your care team.

Sinai Health is a mask-friendly environment in all areas of our buildings. The choice to wear a mask will be respected and supported. Medical grade procedure masks are available at points of entry and other common areas.


  • Who: Patients who are coming to a clinic appointment, having a procedure or undergoing surgery should fill out the tool.
  • When: Please complete the pre-screening no more than four hours before your arrival.


Go to the symptom screening tool


If you pass screening:

  • Please show your screen or confirmation email to your care team at registration or your appointment.
  • Please continue to monitor for symptoms such as fever or new onset respiratory symptoms, vomiting, diarrhea or rash.

If you do not pass screening:

  • Please provide a capture of this screen or your confirmation email to your clinic or care provider. They will discuss your screening results with you and help determine the next steps in your care.

I am unable to fill out the symptom screening tool. What should I do?

  • If you have any trouble completing the symptom screening tool, in-person screening will be available.