Media Relations
Media requests
Members of the media should contact the Corporate Communications department directly at [email protected]. We can provide information about Sinai Health and our Hospitals and arrange interviews with experts.
We will make every effort to address requests for interviews promptly and with respect to your deadline.
We represent Sinai Health, Mount Sinai Hospital, Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital and the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute. Please direct questions about the Sinai Health Foundation to [email protected].

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 416-586-3161
After hours and weekends
Page an on-call representative by calling:
416-586-4800 ext. 5133
Our specialized areas of care include:
Media guidelines
We ask the media to work with us to protect patient privacy by following our guidelines.
On-site media requests
Please send all requests for on-site media interviews, filming or photography to Corporate Communications for approval and to arrange logistics. While on Sinai Health property, media representatives must be escorted by a member of the Communications Department or a designated employee or physician at all times.
Release of patient information
Please direct all media requests for patient information or condition reports to our Media Relations team. Information will only be released with express consent from the patient or the patient’s legal substitute decision-maker. If that approval is granted, the attending physician and Corporate Communications will decide on the appropriate spokesperson and details to be released.