Visitor Information for Hennick Bridgepoint

Learn about our policies and practices for visiting a patient.

Our family presence policy

Our family presence policy welcomes families and caregivers with 24 hour access to their loved ones. Between 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. we observe quiet hours to help patients get the rest they need.

Quiet hours

Patients are able to designate up to two caregivers to stay with them during quiet hours. One designated caregiver can be present at a time during quiet hours.

Family or caregivers staying during quiet hours are required to get an identification badge from security with patient and unit agreement. Caregivers who visit during quiet hours must wear their identification badges.

Quiet hours promote rest and healing. Please be respectful of all patients and staff by:

  • Speaking in lower or hushed tones
  • Dimming overhead lights
  • Turning cell phones to silent
  • For more information about our family presence policy, please speak with the unit staff

Help protect patients

Sinai Health is a mask-friendly environment in all areas of our buildings. The choice to wear a mask will be respected and supported. Medical grade procedure masks are available at points of entry and other common areas.

If you feel unwell (with respiratory symptoms, fever or vomiting/diarrhea, for example), or have been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 10 days, do not visit a patient in the hospital.

Wash your hands often for at least 15 seconds, especially when entering or exiting a patient’s room.

Our scent control policy

Fragrance-based products can cause dizziness, migraines, nausea, rashes, difficulty breathing and asthma attacks in people who are sensitive or allergic to chemicals in scented products.

Our scent control policy asks all Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital employees, patients and visitors to avoid using or bringing scented products. 

Do NOT use or bring the following:

  • Scented personal care products, such as perfume, cologne, aftershave, body spray, lotion, deodorant, hair care products and laundry detergent
  • Essential oils, such as lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, rose water and ylang-ylang
  • Highly-scented flowers, such as lilies, hyacinths, amaryllis and lilacs

Hennick Bridgepoint is a non-smoking environment

Smoking in any indoor and outdoor area on the hospital property is against the law. Toronto Public Health Inspectors will issue fines of up to $5,000 for individuals breaking this law. The property line is the city sidewalk.

Please treat our surrounding area respectfully when disposing of your cigarettes outside of our property line. There are separate fines for littering, which includes cigarette butts.

Photography, video and audio recording protocols

In keeping with strict provincial privacy guidelines designed to preserve patient confidentiality, cameras, video/audio recorders, cell phones and other wireless communication devices must not be used by anyone to photograph, take video images or record conversations of any patient, physician, volunteer or employee at Hennick Bridgepoint without prior authorization.

Please speak to a member of your care team for more information.

How to contact a patient

We want to help keep you connected during your time at Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital. We offer a “one-way” contact service that allows patients to receive email greetings from their family and friends. Keeping in touch with family and friends who may live far from the hospital and are unable to visit regularly helps keep people connected and engaged.

When sending a message, please include the following in the subject line:

  • Patient’s full name
  • Unit or room number (if known)

Your message will be placed into a confidential envelope and delivered directly to the patient within 48 hours of its receipt.

If you are trying to reach a patient by telephone, please contact our Switchboard at 416-461-8252 and press 0. 

Send a message

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Important Privacy Information

Please do not include anything in your message you would feel uncomfortable writing on a postcard being sent through regular mail.

Should you not feel comfortable providing your information via an online form or email, please contact us by phone or in person. Our Website Privacy Policy has more information about our online forms.