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Celebrating closing the loop in medication management at Bridgepoint

Celebrating closing the loop in medication management at Bridgepoint

Last week employees from across Bridgepoint gathered to celebrate the completion of a project 10 years in the making—the successful roll-out of a new system to support safe administering of medications.

“Giving medications to our patients is a process that’s fundamental to the safe functioning of a hospital,” said Dr. Gary Newton, President and CEO of Sinai Health, in opening remarks at the celebration. “With this new technology Bridgepoint has made a leap to be among the top hospitals in the country when it comes to supporting the safe administering of medication to our patients. It’s a spectacular achievement for everyone involved.”

Jane Merkley, Executive Vice President, Chief Nursing Executive and Chief Operating Officer also commended the teams at the celebration. “I want to congratulate everyone who worked on this initiative. This project is an example of why we come to work every day—to make a difference and ensure every patient is getting the safest care possible,” she said.

The new medication management system is referred to as a “closed-loop” system because it uses technology to track every dose of medication given to every patient. It starts when the physician enters the medication order directly into the patient’s electronic health record. The medication is then verified in the pharmacy, packaged and dispensed into barcoded individual dose packets delivered to the unit. Finally, a nurse scans the barcode on a patient’s wristband as well as the barcode on the packet for verification.

“This process decreases errors, ensuring the correct medication and dose is given to the correct patient. Just as important, is the timing of medication, so this system provides visual and automated prompts for the nurses as reminders when the next medication is due,” says Janice Takata-Shewchuk, Senior Director of Pharmacy. Janice was a co-director-lead for the implementation of the project along with Christina Lim, Director, Clinical Informatics Services and Support and Maya Nikoloski, Director, Professional Practice & Education, Nursing and Health Disciplines.

A group of health care workers on a hospital unit gathered around a computer looking at the screen. They are all wearing orange shirts

The system went live to all units at Bridgepoint this fall. “Implementing the new medication system has been a transition on the unit,” says Nicole Brioso, RN on 6N, “But it allows us to minimize errors and put patient safety first. As a nurse that is our number one priority.”

The Closed Loop Medication Management System is the gold standard for safe medication management. “Planning for this project at Bridgepoint started in 2012, led by a multidisciplinary team, and we’re proud to be one of very few hospitals in Ontario to have implemented an end-to-end medication management system,” adds Janice.

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