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Sinai Health News

Read the latest news and stories from Sinai Health.

Portrait collage of a bespectacled woman on the right (Dr. Pamela Goodwin) and a bespectacled man on the right (Dr. Masoom Gaider)
Dr. Pamela Goodwin and Dr. Masoom Haider have been named Fellows of the…
Dr. David Fu
A new study involving researchers from Sinai Health and the University of…
Dr. Daniel Schramek looking at a petri dish
In a study that has implications for understanding and treating pancreatic…
collage of headshots of two men
Dr. Aaron Gazendam works long hours at Sinai Health’s sarcoma clinic.
Collage of three researcher headshots, two female and one male
Sinai Health researchers have uncovered a fascinating mechanism in the…
Photo of  Dr. Michelle Nelson, a health services researcher at the Science of Care Institute at Sinai Health
A stroke is often life-changing for patients and their families.
A collage of headshots: From left to right: Drs. Anne-Claude Gingras, Mikko Taipale and Daniel Schramek.
Researchers at the University of Toronto and Sinai Health have devised a…
A picture of a lab-grown human brain organoid tissue.
In Drs. Jeff Wrana and Laurence Pelletier’s laboratories at Sinai Health,…
A head shot photo of Dr. Ross Upshur who completed tenure as head of research at Hennick Bridgepoint.
Dr. Ross Upshur can reflect with pride as he completes his term as…
A headshot photo of Dr. Yeojin Lee, a researcher at at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Yeojin Lee now has less to worry about career…
A photo of Sinai Health’s Dr. Jordan Lerner-Ellis in the lab with this arms crossed.
In a major push to harness the power of genomic data for healthcare, the…
A head shot photo of researcher Dr. Kieran Campbell, Investigator at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
Sinai Health researchers have developed a novel computational workflow…