Application Process and Meeting Dates
The scope of REB review includes all research involving human participants conducted under the auspices of Sinai Health.
According to the Tri-Council Policy Statement (TCPS), “research” is defined as:
…an undertaking intended to extend knowledge through a disciplined inquiry and/or systematic investigation. The term “disciplined inquiry” refers to an inquiry that is conducted with the expectation that the method, results and conclusions will be able to withstand the scrutiny of the relevant research community.
Full board review submission
This is the level of REB review assigned to studies which involve greater than minimal risk. This is the default that will apply unless there is sufficient justification for delegated review.
Studies requiring full board review must be submitted via the Sinai Health Online Research Ethics System (SHORES) prior to the submission deadline. Submissions should contain all applicable documents mentioned below:
- Application Form
- Consent Form(s)
- Protocol
- Budget Information
- Questionnaires, Recruitment Tools, and any other participant facing materials
- Investigator’s Brochure/Product Monograph/Device Manual (as applicable)
- Health Canada No Objection Letter (as applicable)
Full Board meeting dates and submission deadlines for 2024-2025
Delegated review submission
Submissions for delegated review are accepted on a rolling basis (i.e., not subject to a submission deadline) via SHORES.
Studies that may qualify for delegated review are considered either minimal-risk and non-invasive (e.g. retrospective chart reviews, non-intrusive questionnaires or surveys, non-invasive assessments, use of existing samples), or studies involving only current standards of care.
The investigator must include the justification for requesting delegated review. The decision of whether a study qualifies for delegated review rests with the REB Chair. Where delegated review is not granted, the investigator will be informed that a full board review will be required.
Is it research?
Quality assurance and quality improvement projects do not constitute research when used “exclusively for assessment, management, or improvement purposes”, as per Article 2.5 of the TCPS. In the event that an investigator cannot determine whether an intended investigation constitutes research or quality assurance/improvement, please complete the Screening Determination Form (PDF) and submit it to [email protected] for review.
For other inquiries, please contact us. Providing such consultation on ethics matters is part of the responsibility of the Board.