Research Involving Multiple Sites

Learn more about the requirements for clinical trials or observational studies that are being conducted at multiple sites.

For Sinai Health studies involving human participants, please refer to the Application Process and Meeting Dates page for details on how to submit to the REB.

Clinic Trials Ontario certification

For clinical trials or observational studies that are being conducted at multiple sites, the Clinical Trials Ontario (CTO) Streamlined Research Ethics Review System (SRERS) allows a single, qualified Research Ethics Board (Board of Record) to oversee the review and conduct of studies occurring at multiple sites. The Sinai Health REB is a qualified Board of Record through CTO.

To be eligible to submit through the CTO online platform (CTO Stream), the research must be conducted at a minimum of two CTO Participating Sites in Ontario. CTO Participating Sites have signed a Participation Agreement with CTO allowing them to use the CTO system. A list of these sites may be found here.

CTO Stream offers a single, electronic interface for ethics review, with all studies using the same standardized REB application forms, regardless of which Board of Record is reviewing the study. CTO forms and templates may be found here.

CTO Submission Process

Provincial Review Process for New Study (Lead Site)


image showing the REB provincial review process

Centre Review Process for Conducting Study at Individual Sites

image showing the REB review process

It is important to note that each site’s institution will have additional review and/or approval requirements (e.g., contracts, departmental impacts, privacy assessments, etc.). These requirements will vary depending on the type of study, and on the structure of the organization where the study is being conducted. All institutional requirements must be met prior to initiating the study at that site.

When completing the Sinai Health Provincial / Centre Initial Application through CTO, you will need to include the name of Sinai Health’s Institutional Representative. This individual is Darlene Homonko, Director of the Office of Technology Transfer and Industrial Liaison [email protected], 416-586-4800 ext. 6380.

Learn more about submitting via CTO.