Psychiatry Referrals 

Please see our referral criteria to make a referral for Psychiatry.

Referral details

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General Psychiatry  

We accept referrals from health-care providers.  

To refer a patient to general psychiatry, please call 416-586-4800 ext. 4569 or fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-8654.  

Geriatric Psychiatry  

We accept referrals from health-care providers.  

To refer a patient to geriatric psychiatry, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-3231.

Medical Psychiatry

We accept referrals from medical specialists at Sinai Health. For patients with HIV, we accept referrals from health-care providers.  

To refer a patient to medical psychiatry, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-8654

To refer a patient to HIV, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-8654

Perinatal Mental Health  

You will need to be receiving perinatal care at Sinai Health and a referral from a health-care provider or Toronto Public Health nurse.

To refer a patient to Perinatal Mental Health, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-8596.  

Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training

Care partners may contact the program for services directly. A health-care provider referral is encouraged. We also accept referrals from other clinical services and community agencies.

To refer a patient to the Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-3231.

Transitional Aged Youth Medical Psychiatry Clinic

We accept referrals from medical specialists at Sinai Health.

To refer a patient to transitional-aged youth medical psychiatry, please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-8654

Sinai Transitional Addiction Medicine Program (STAMP) Clinic

If you were seen by the Addiction Medicine Consult Service while you were admitted to Mount Sinai Hospital, you can come to the STAMP clinic.  We accept walk-in appointments during clinic hours on Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you prefer a virtual appointment, we will send you a link to access your appointment. 

Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT)

We accept referrals from health-care providers, hospitals and community organizations. All referrals must be processed through Access Point.

To refer a patient to ACTT, please visit Access Point.

Mental Health Court Support  

We accept referrals from mental health court support workers at Ontario Court of Justice, lawyers and health-care providers.  

To refer a patient to the Mental Health Court Support program please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-586-9700.  

Seniors Wellness Centre  

We accept referrals from health-care providers or a community agency.

If you or a family member would like to self-refer yourself to the program, please call 416-291-3883.  

Physicians: To refer a patient to the Seniors Wellness Centre please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-291-8813.

Agencies: To refer a patient to the Seniors Wellness Centre please fax the referral form (PDF) to 416-291-8813

Enhancing Care for Ontario Care Partners Program  

At Mount Sinai Hospital, care is provided through the Reitman Centre for Alzheimer’s Support and Training.  

To refer to another specific location, please visit Enhancing Care for Ontario Care Partners for referral form and contact information.