Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn Care Referrals
Referral details
We accept referrals from family physicians and other health-care providers.
To refer a patient to a Mount Sinai Hospital obstetrician please fax the corresponding referral form or the following information to the appropriate obstetrician, listed below.
- Patient's name
- Date of birth
- OHIP number
- Phone number
- Email address, if possible
- Reason for the referral
Dr. Michele Farrugia
Phone: 416-586-8553
Fax: 416-586-8355
Dr. Michelle Jacobson
Fax: 416-586-3101
Dr. Heather Millar
Fax: 416-238-8139
Dr. Elyse Levinsky
Phone: 416-586-4800
Fax: 416-586-3145
Dr. Amanda Selk
Phone: 647-826-8028
Fax: 647-826-8027
Dr. Jodi Shapiro
Phone: 416-586-8817
Fax: 416-586-4746
Dr. Lindsay Shirreff
Fax: 416-586-1578
Dr. Mara Sobel
Phone: 416-586-8273
Fax: 416-586-8312
Dr Rachel Spitzer
Phone: 416-586-4822
Fax: 416-586-4657
Dr Michael Sved
Fax: 416-586-0407
Dr Evan Tannenbaum
Fax: 416-586-8343
Dr Jackie Thomas
Phone: 416-586-4632
Fax: 416-586-5216
Dr Julie Thorne
Fax: 416-238-8139
Dr Melissa Walker
Phone: 416-586-4800
Fax: 416-586-4767
To refer a patient for high-risk care, please visit the referral criteria for the following programs:
- The Medical Disorders of Pregnancy program for maternal risks
- The Ontario Fetal Centre for fetal risks
Please fax this form (PDF) to 416-586-8729.
Referral criteria are any of the following:
- Preterm infant born ≤29+6 weeks gestation and/or birthweight ≤1250g
- Neurologic concern (for example, HIE, perinatal stroke, perinatal meningitis, and others)
- Persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn requiring iNO
- Fetal diagnosis (for example, Dandy walker variant, ventriculomegaly, absent corpus callosum, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and others)
- Fetal therapy (for example, in utero transfusion, TTTS with laser therapy, and others)
- Other developmental concerns
Please fax this form (PDF) to 416-586-5377.
We accept internal referrals from Mount Sinai health-care providers for infant care in addition to patient self-referrals for infant feeding appointments.
Please phone 416-586-4800 ext. 7409 for an appointment.
We accept referrals from physicians and health-care providers.
Please fax this referral form (PDF) to 416-586-4723.
Please attach all investigations/care to-date with this form to ensure efficient processing of the referral.
Patient referrals are not required, but are appreciated.
Patients can drop in during our clinic hours without a referral.
Health-care providers can refer a patient by filling out this referral form. Referral forms can be faxed to 416-586-5109.
Patients do not require OHIP coverage or valid photo identification to be seen by our clinic staff.