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Sinai Health News

Read the latest news and stories from Sinai Health.

William Raskin
At age 35, William Raskin’s life was in order. He had a fulfilling job as…
Two smiling people in scrubs outdoors
This week marked the start of summer and Sinai Health’s annual People…
group photo of five people in a office
Meet some of Sinai Health’s newest trailblazers, recipients at this year’s…
physiotherapist helping patient
The morning after Halloween 2023, John Crawford woke up unable to move. He…
Nurse holding a patient's hand in comfort
In the heart of Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital’s 9th floor, a dedicated team…
Nurses providing care
Every day, nurses across Sinai Health do remarkable things for patients…
A photo of Dr. Ian Witterick, Sinai Health's surgeon-in-chief in a medical setting with this arms crossed
It was 1993, a young Dr. Ian Witterick stepped through the doors of Mount…
Resource centre for caregivers opens at Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital
“Caregiving can be a full-time role. I experience this firsthand as I take…
Sinai Health participates in Indigenous sacred bundle feast ceremony
The first annual sacred bundle feast ceremony took place at Casey House on…
Leadership in stroke care – Hennick Bridgepoint earns Stroke Distinction
Earlier this month, Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital earned its fourth…
A collage of three Sinai Health staff posing for a photo
Health-care providers play a crucial role in addressing the health and…
A health-care provider and a patient are walking down the hallway of a hospital. The patient is an older adult woman and she is walking towards the camera with a walking pole in her left hand. The health care provider walks on the patient's right side, holding her hand and offering support
For patients and caregivers adapting to life after a stroke, knowledge is…
a group of six metal sculptures in the Max Tannebaum Sculpture garden. They are human figures made out of narrow strips of metal in bright colours. Each figure is depicted as if it is frozen in the middle of motion. The sculpture closest to the camera is dancing
Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital is admired for its clean, modern design. One…
Celebrating service milestones at Sinai Health
Last week, we recognized employees and physicians who have reached…
Caring for patients by caring for equipment
Hospitals produce a lot of sound. This cacophony has often been labelled…
We’re not islands – quality and safety in health care is everyone’s responsibility
Last October, we held Sinai Health’s inaugural Quality and Safety…
A spotlight on our palliative care program
Between 62 per cent and 89 per cent of those with life limiting illness…
Finding healing and peace through painting at Hennick Bridgepoint
During a recent nine-month stay at Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital, Charmaine…
The future of geriatric care lives at Sinai Health
A recent $15 million gift from long-time supporters, Peter and Shelagh…
Redefining meaningful end-of-life care
For more than 30 years, our skilled palliative care specialists have been…
Annual scholarships and bursary awards create possibilities
Sinai Health is recognizing the spirit of discovery with our annual…
Sinai Health nurses lead Canada-wide study on models of care during the pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the resilience, creativity and…
Nursing Week
Becoming a health care professional means being a life-long learner. At…
Two years into the pandemic mental health is still a priority
In 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared, Sinai Health introduced…
The make-up of a Sinai Health Volunteer
A steady hand extended at just the right moment. A warm smile that…
Going home after a year in the hospital
In the fall, we spoke with Juan Carlos Luaces about the progress he was…
Dr. Jeff Myers
Dr. Jeff Myers, a physician on Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital’s Albert and…
Masking and vaccination requirements still in place
On March 21, there will be no change for those coming to Sinai Health’s…
Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022 at Sinai Health
Every day, we value the unique and substantial contributions women across…
A spotlight on our geriatrics program
Within a decade, one in four Canadians will be over the age of 65.
Everything you need to know about rapid antigen tests
In testing, it’s the gold standard. “Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)…
Patients at Hennick Bridgepoint discover the healing power of art therapy
Art therapy has been shown to benefit people of all ages, helping…
Celebrating the holidays at Sinai Health
This week, Sinai Health celebrated the holidays by greeting employees,…
For more than 20 months, Health Care Screeners at Mount Sinai and Hennick…
An older male in a wheelchair accompanied by his son and wife
For many patients admitted to complex continuing care units, the hospital…
Five Sinai Health Foundation leaders taking a group photo
In recognition of a transformational $36 million gift from Jay and Barbara…
Sinai Health to rename Canada’s largest complex care and rehabilitation hospital in celebration of transformative $36 million gift
TORONTO (Oct. 27, 2021) – Toronto’s pre-eminent complex care and…
Bridgepoint provides a lifeline for patients with complex health needs
Terry Nicholson is getting ready to move back into the community after a…
Indigenous woman plays the drum and two men are standing in the background
In many Indigenous traditions of North America, the drum represents the…
Registered Nurse instructs a nursing student at the bedside
Nicole Filler began a student placement on Bridgepoint Active Healthcare’s…
Indigenous smudging ceremony
Leonard Benoit starts each day with a personal smudging ceremony. Before…
Recovering after stroke
Heather Courneya arrives at Bridgepoint’s Ambulatory Care Centre ready to…
New study finds thinking and communications difficulties common among COVID-19 patients
Researchers at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, part of Sinai Health, say…
Being an ambassador for change at Sinai Health
2020 will be known not just as the year of the pandemic but as the global…
Health care working holding a patient's hand
Palliative care is specialized medical care for people living with a…
collage of portraits of three volunteers
Sinai Health has over 1,200 volunteers at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare…
Two people transport a patient down a hallway at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare.
When the second wave of COVID-19 peaked in Toronto, Bridgepoint Active…