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Complex Multiple Pregnancy (Twins or Triplets)

Learn more about pregnancy care for patients with complicated twin or triplet pregnancies.


Pregnancies with multiples, such as twins or triplets, are at a higher risk for complications and may involve challenging decisions regarding treatment.

In many cases, uncomplicated twin pregnancies can be effectively managed by an obstetrician. For more complex twin or triplet pregnancies, patients will see a maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialist in our clinic.

Our maternal-fetal medicine (MFM) specialists are high-risk OBs who support patients with health conditions during pregnancy. Given the increased risk of complications in multiple pregnancies, they also care for patients expecting identical twins, non-identical twins or triplets. 

Our care

Learn more about the specialized care provided at Mount Sinai Hospital for Medical Disorders of Pregnancy

Legal message TBD: This content is meant for informational and educational purposes only. It does not replace the need for consultation with a health-care professional.

Your pregnancy care

Your pregnancy care

It is important to us that you actively participate in decision-making about your care. Our MFM specialists will help you understand your treatment choices so that you can make the best possible decisions for both you and your babies.

You will have prenatal appointments with your MFM at the Medical Disorders of Pregnancy clinic. Depending on your specific needs, you may also have appointments at our OB medicine clinic, high-risk OB anesthesia clinic or with other specialists at Mount Sinai Hospital. 



Care plans will focus on frequent and careful monitoring of both your health and the health of your babies.

Your MFM specialist will work with you to decide on a care plan that is specific to your needs. Your care may include any of the following:

Multiple pregnancies have a higher risk of complications for the babies and pregnant parent. Our expertise in caring for patients with multiple pregnancies allows us to help you effectively manage those risks. 

Labour and delivery

Labour and delivery

Our recommendations for you labour and delivery care may include any of the following:

  • Meeting with our high-risk OB anesthesia team
  • Scheduling an induction of labour
  • Scheduling a caesarean section
  • Having other specialists present at your birth
  • Monitoring your health throughout labour
  • Monitoring the health of your newborns

Our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) team is present at all births where the babies may need specialized care.